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1 Musim
2 Episode

Derush - Season 1 Episode 1

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48 menit 2025 HD

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Thanks to @Squeezie for joining me for this first video! Together, we react to two must-see Envoyé Spécial reports that marked their era: 🎮 “Jeux vidéos : les mordus” (1992): A cult Envoyé Spécial report on the beginnings of video games in France. If you're passionate about gaming, don't miss this trip back in time to 1991, when consoles were just starting to make their mark! 📹 “Les webcamés” (2001): This report takes us back to the advent of webcams, the devices that revolutionized online exchanges and digital intimacy. If you remember this period, or if you're curious about it, this video is for you. You'll discover never-before-published anecdotes, analyses of technological developments and, of course, fun moments with Squeezie. Together, we explore how these cultural phenomena have transformed our lives and our digital practices.



