Podobno Filmi
2001: Odiseja v vesolju
2001: Odiseja v vesolju8.10 1968 HD
Legendarni film Stanleyja Kubricka na svojevrsten način opisuje evolucijo na našem planetu, vse od kamene dobe, ko so naši predniki...
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds6.50 2005 HD
Elementarteilchen6.20 2006 HD
Umazani ples
Umazani ples7.33 1987 HD
Piše se leto 1963. Sedemnajstletna Baby preživlja praznike s starši v letovišču Catkills. Ko sledi zvoku vznemirljive glasbe,...
Čarli in tovarna čokolade
Čarli in tovarna čokolade7.05 2005 HD
Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana
Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana8.42 2001 HD
Potem ko od svojega strica Bilba podeduje skrivnostni prstan, se mora mladi hobit Frodo Bisagin podati na potovanje, da ga ne dobi v roke njegov zli...
Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa
Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa8.40 2002 HD
Frodo Bisagin in preostala druščina, zdaj ločeni, nadaljujejo svojo pot k uničenju Prstana Mogote. Njihove usode jih vodijo k dvema...
Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev
Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev8.48 2003 HD
Medtem ko se vojske zbirajo na bojišču, ki bo odločalo o usodi sveta, in mogočne starodavne sile Svetlobe in Teme tekmujejo za premoč, se...
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
O Brother, Where Art Thou?7.33 2000 HD
卧虎藏龍7.40 2000 HD
Priporočilo Filmi
Moondance Alexander
Moondance Alexander5.95 2007 HD
Curiously named teen Moondance Alexander lives with her eccentric mother, and is faced with another uneventful summer until she discovers a lost...
FairyTale: A True Story
FairyTale: A True Story6.40 1997 HD
Two children in 1917 take a photograph, believed by some to be the first scientific evidence of the existence of fairies. Based on a true story
Love's Labour's Lost
Love's Labour's Lost5.50 2000 HD
The King of Navarre and his three companions swear a very public oath to study together and to renounce women for three years. Their honour is...
The New Snow White
The New Snow White5.00 2011 HD
Xtinction: Predator X
Xtinction: Predator X3.80 2010 HD
When her father seemingly goes missing, divorcee Laura LeCrois is forced to return home after a 20-year hiatus. However, home is not the way Laura...
Red Shadow
Red Shadow4.80 2001 HD
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and...
Taken by Storm: The Art of Storm Thorgerson and Hipgnosis
Taken by Storm: The Art of Storm Thorgerson and Hipgnosis5.00 2011 HD
This documentary chronicles the long and storied career of Storm Thorgerson, the most famous artist you've never heard of -- the brilliant...
Un Natale con i fiocchi
Un Natale con i fiocchi5.31 2012 HD
Evening5.85 2007 HD
As Constance (Natasha Richardson) and Nina (Toni Collette) gather at the deathbed of their mother, Ann (Vanessa Redgrave), they learn for the first...
Meet the Browns
Meet the Browns6.70 2008 HD
A single mother living in inner city Chicago, Brenda has been struggling for years to make ends meet and keep her three kids off the street. When...