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Recomanació Pel·lícules
Punishment Park
Punishment Park7.31 1971 HD
In this fictional documentary, U.S. prisons are at capacity, and President Nixon declares a state of emergency. All new prisoners, most of whom are...
Xacal7.50 1973 HD
L'OAS, un grup ultra francès, contracta un assassí professional, la veritable identitat del qual ningú no sap, conegut com a...
Bye Bye Germany
Bye Bye Germany6.50 2017 HD
David Berman and his friends, all Holocaust survivors, have only one purpose: to go to America as soon as possible. For this they need money. Close...
The Impossible Voyage
The Impossible Voyage7.22 1904 HD
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes...
A Silence
A Silence5.01 2024 HD
Astrid is the wife of an acclaimed lawyer. Silenced for 25 years, her family balance suddenly collapses when her children initiate their search for...
Flodder Does Manhattan!
Flodder Does Manhattan!5.70 1992 HD
The mayor of Sunny Dale see a chance to get rid of the Flodder family: They send the asocial bunch for an international exchange to New York. There...
The Kaiser's Lackey
The Kaiser's Lackey6.50 1951 HD
Diederich Heßling is scared of everything and everyone. But as he grows up, he comes to realize that he has to offer his services to the...
Somewhere in Berlin
Somewhere in Berlin5.80 1946 HD
After WWII, Berlin lies in ruins. For Gustav, Willi and their friends the rubble provides an adventurous, dangerous playground. Especially for...
White Wolves
White Wolves5.50 1969 HD
Farsighted Falcon, chief of the Lakota, seeks refuge in the Black Hills with his wife Blue Hair and two warriors, sole survivors of their tribe. When...
Les conseqüències
Les conseqüències6.50 2019 HD
Postguerra a Alemanya, any 1946. Rachael Morgan (Keira Knightley) aterra a les ruïnes d'Hamburg en ple hivern per reunir-se amb el seu marit,...